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Department of Theatre & Dance
The Department of Theatre and Dance provides a unique liberal arts experience where students thrive by engaging across difference and critically investigating the world through creative processes. We are committed to diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice. These values are central to the Department's curriculum, scholarship, teaching, artmaking practices and programming.


University of Richmond Student Receives Beckman Scholarship to Research Catalysts Important in Pharmaceutical Industry
Sophomore Julia Vidlak, of Williamsburg, Virginia, has been awarded a prestigious Beckman Foundation Scholarship to pursue her research in organometallics.
University Dancers: 35 years in the making
Supported by UR’s Department of Theatre & Dance, University Dancers is now an academic program that allows participating students to think critically about the ways in which movement tells and constructs historical narratives.
Junior combines love for literature and dance
Through different courses and programs, A&S students are encouraged to pursue their diverse interests and foster those interests alongside other student scholars. For junior Karen Fleming, the Humanities Fellows Program helped her achieve this.
Student-led Production Premieres This Week
Taking place on artificial turf in the Cousins Studio Theatre in Modlin, four University of Richmond seniors worked to bring Sarah DeLappe’s play, a 2017 Pulitzer Prize Finalist, to campus through a Productions Studies III capstone project. 
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The 35th Annual Concert will bring works of renowned choreographers from around the world to the Alice Jepson Theatre on February 28th through March 1st.
Julia Straka: Expanding the Boundaries of the UR Dance Experience
Nearly 70% of Richmond students study abroad, so junior Julia Straka isn’t alone in spending her fall semester in Paris. However, her experience is decidedly different from every other dance major before her– Julia is the very first to continue her dance education at a dance school abroad.
Dancing on the River: Don't Miss this Extraordinary Richmond Performance
CROSS CURRENTS is commissioned by the Department of Theater & Dance, University of Richmond, and sponsored by the Tucker-Boatwright Festival of Literature & the Arts.
Award-winning playwright comes to UR
On Friday, October 25, at 8 p.m., Obie award-winning and two-time Pulitzer Prize-nominated playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins will give a talk on campus in Camp Concert Hall.
A Dress of One's OwnWhen 西风app ios, walked at commencement, she wore a one-of-a-kind dress she designed for herself through and independent study with Heather Hogg, director of costume and makeup in the theater and dance department.
Senior Choreography Presentation

Senior choreographers VPN - 西风VPN - 产品概况 - 产品风讯 - 伋鹅风讯:2021年11月12日 - VPN - 西风VPN 收藏 申请添加数据源 更新时间:2021-11-12 23:06:27概况 全网评论 视频 论坛热帖 苹果应用商店 安卓应用商店 信息推送 ...

2018 Student Symposium Awards
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2018 A&S Faculty Mentor Award Winners
Foreigners' take on Internet in China-China Youth ...:As the first World Internet Conference gets underway in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, we asked foreigners to compare their Internet experience in China with the services in their home countries.
A grade, then a giftTheatre professor Johann Stegmeir and his Intro to Costume Design students stitched teddy bears for patients at VCU Children's Hospital.
A group of four University of Richmond faculty, including the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, Patrice Rankin, have been accepted into the Council of Independent College’s Institute on Diversity, Civility, and the Liberal Arts.
University of Richmond hosts internationally renowned scholars, business leaders and artists to interact with students this spring
Each year, the University of Richmond hosts a number of artists, executives and leaders, as well as visiting scholars, to enhance the campus’ environment of both intellectual and personal engagement.
University of Richmond Department of Theatre and Dance
University of Richmond Department of Theatre and Dance
University of Richmond Department of Theatre and Dance


  • Herrera Published
    Herrera Published

    Patricia Herrera, associate professor of theatre, published Nuyorican Feminist Performance: From The Café to Hip Hop Theater (Michigan University Press). Nuyorican Feminist Performance examines the contributions of 1970s and ‘80s performeras and how they challenged the Café’s gender politics.

  • Herrera and Méndez Published
    Herrera and Méndez Published

    Patricia Herrera, associate professor of theatre, and Mariela Méndez, associate professor of LALIS and WGSS, published an “Performando un activismo feminista: El trabajo de Debora Kuetzpal Vasquez en La Marca” in Conjunto.

  • Hayes Awarded
    Hayes Awarded 內外貫通 Windows 7下架設VPN雙向通道 - 國際在線:2021-7-7 · 對於很多希望獲得穩定、快捷網絡通道的伋業來說,VPN自然是多年來公認的最佳選擇。也有很多伋業使用VPN通道,看重的是VPN可伍對數據進行幾倍加密達到安全使用互聯網的目的。
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    Feldman Translation Performed

    LALIS professor Sharon Feldman’s English translation of Liberto, an award-winning Catalan play by Gemma Brió, was given a professional staged reading in the performance space of the Instituto Cervantes in New York City. 

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    Herrera Named Distinguished Educator

    Theatre professor Patricia Herrera was named a 2018 University of Richmond Distinguished Educator.

  • Diaz Choreography Featured
    Diaz Choreography Featured

    Dance professor Alicia Diaz's piece wise as serpents was performed by the University Dancers as part of the American College Dance Association Gala at VCU.


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    Diaz Article

    工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者_央广网:2021-7-25 · 工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者 在国务院新闻办今日举行的发布会上,有记者问及“有地方出台规定,对违法违规利用VPN上网加强管理”一事,工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库表示,不了 …

  • Stegmeir Designs Opera Costumes
    Stegmeir Designs Opera Costumes

    Theatre professor Johann Stegmeir designed costumes for a new opera production of Cinderella, written by 12 year-old musical prodigy Alma Deutscher. The opera is being presented in San Jose, California by the Packard Humanities Institute.

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    Theatre professor Josafath Reynoso won the Gold Award for Emerging Designer at the 2017 World Stage Design exhibition in Taipei. Reynoso won the award for his design of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at Triad Stage in North Carolina.

  • Documenting a Changing Neighborhood

    Dr. Laura Browder and Dr. Patricia Herrera had their SSIR course featured on Virginia Currents. Their course, Documenting a Changing Neighborhood, allowed students to engage with the Richmond neighborhood of Church Hill to explore issues of gentrification.


There are no events currently scheduled.


University Dancers 35th Anniversary Concert




Spring 2023 Dance show



Spring 2018 dance show

University Dancers: Nexus



Caroline Weber,


Caroline's dance piece "Urban Dreams" will be featured at the University Dancers Annual Spring Concert "Nexus" (Feb 2017)


Kylie McCormick, '17: "Arrow of Time"

Kylie's dance piece "Arrow of Time" will be featured at the University Dancers Annual Spring Concert "Nexus" (Feb 2017)


30-second clips of Momentum


Behind the Scenes of "Momentum", Modlin Center for the Arts

Behind the scenes with the University Dancers in preparation for their spring dance show "Momentum". Show was directed by Anne Van Gelder. (Spring 2016)

Behind the Scenes, Jordan Matter, R

Behind the Scenes, Jordan Matter, R'91

Behind the scenes with 1991 alumnus Jordan Matter as he shoots the cover and other photos for the Spring/Summer 2016 issue of University of Richmond Magazine (

Behind the Scenes of "Intimate Apparel", Modlin Center for the Arts


Behind the Scenes of "Intimate Apparel", a Modlin Center for the Arts theatre production. Show will be November 19-22, 2015.

University Dancers- Highlights from @30

工信部回应VPN指导意见:不会影响国内外用户正常使用 ...:2021-1-30 · 中国网1月30日讯国务院新闻办1月30日举行新闻发布会,华尔街日报记者就VPN相关情况在会上进行提问,"请您介绍一下于1月27日发布的关于VPN的指导意见 ...

University Dancers 2014 Spring Concert

University Dancers 2014 Spring Concert



Students prepare for an evening performance of “Remnants” - an original hip-hop musical co-written by Patricia Herrera, assistant professor of theatre, and José Joaquín Garcia - with yoga, vocal warm-ups, dance practice, costume checks, and more. (Spring 2015)

The Art of Movement

The Art of Movement

Assistant professor of dance Matthew Thornton shares how his professional affiliation with Agua Dulce Dance Theater informs his teaching at the University of Richmond. (2013)



Jazzed - University Dancers Spring Concert 2012

Jazzed - University Dancers Spring Concert 2012

Past Productions
University of Richmond Department of Theatre and Dance
西风app ios
Costumes & Props


Theatre Library Research Guide

Dance Library Research Guide




Mailing address:
Department of Theatre and Dance
Modlin Center for the Arts
28 Westhampton Way
University of Richmond, VA 23173

Phone: (804) 289-8592
Fax: (804) 287-1841
西风app ios (804) 289-8980

老王翻墙最新版 Sharon Feldman
Administrative Coordinator: 西风app ios